North Island College Teaching & Learning Supports
Teach Anywhere

Quality Learning

Foundations for Quality Student Learning

All faculty members, including chairs, may need to gain new and/or enhance existing knowledge and skills to support departments through the actions and practices related to quality student learning.

Instructors collaboratively lead this foundational work to support the ongoing enhancement of credentials and courses through effective practices and principles.

This resources in this section aligns with a Faculty Series for Academic Quality Enhancement – which offers insights, processes, templates, and clear steps to undertake actions that should happen before and after the institutional program review process – and forms the foundational components of quality student learning.

The mission of all post-secondary institutions is to provide high quality student learning experiences informed by scholarly practices, respected evidence, and timely feedback. This series is all about supporting faculty in how to enhance their instructional practices aligned with this mission.

Foundations for Quality Student Learning Series OverviewPDF Version