This section outlines some essential components to effectively teaching your course.
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Inviting Student Support Areas to Class
Supporting Students Experiencing Challenges
Meeting Drop Deadlines and Course Expectations
- In a post-secondary education setting there are numerous dates to remember, especially those that pertain to student outcomes.
- Registration timelines, if not met, may hold implications for a student continuing in a program.
- Similarly, if a student wishes to withdraw from a course, the drop date is also important to avoid academic penalty.
- Resource: NIC Policy 4-09 Registration
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Giving Students Feedback
- Feedback is so important to learning.
- Providing good quality information to learners deepens their understanding of course material by helping them to pinpoint their strengths and areas for improvement.
- It provides specific insights into their performance and can enhance academic skills.
- Resource: Teach Anywhere Page – Delivering and Receiving Feedback
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Getting Informal Feedback During the Course
- You can make your teaching more effective and responsive to students’ needs by soliciting informal feedback from them.
- Consider getting mid-point feedback to help students currently enrolled and end-of-term feedback to help you to reflect on your teaching for next time.
- Resource: Teach Anywhere Course Feedback Surveys
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Reflecting on the Course
- Reflective practice in post-secondary education refers to an ongoing cyclical process where educators critically scrutinize their teaching practice.
- This process involves thought, time, and a desire to enhance quality student learning.
- Reflection is a process that helps us to make meaning of a situation or event and supports instructors to grow and deepen their understanding of themselves and their teaching approaches.
- There are numerous ways to support you as you begin/continue the process of reflection.
- Resource: Teach Anywhere Page – Reflective Practice