Getting Started with Your Course
This page covers items to help students be successful in your classes.
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Orienting Students to the Course Outline
- The course outline is not just a contract between the instructor and students.
- Its main purpose is to ensure students understand the purpose of the course, what they will learn in it, and how and when they will demonstrate their learning.
- Walk students through the course outline to ensure everybody has a shared understanding of how the learning will unfold.
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Student Expectations
- Students should be aware of their responsibilities as learners.
- This includes meeting the conduct expectations outlined in policy 3-06 to maintain “a culture of integrity, mutual respect and responsible behaviours.”
- It also means actively participating in their learning.
- Instructors can remind students of their responsibilities and the supports available to help them meet these expectations.
- Resource: NIC Code of Conduct Policy 3-06
- Resource: Learn Anywhere Page – Learner Responsibilities
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Student Supports
- NIC provides supports such as: Counselling, Elders in Residence, Sexualized Violence, Early Assist and Thrive at NIC
- Students have a variety of needs and North Island College has many supports in place to help learners thrive, including a Department of Accessible Learning Services to ensure that students with specific learning needs have the accommodations they need to succeed.
- Resource: Ensure you Add the Student Supports Module to your Brightspace Course
- Resource: NIC Student Wellness Services
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First Day Activities
- Effective first day activities help to build connections with and between students and establish the learning culture.
- Start your course off right by incorporating engaging and inclusive first day activities into your courses.
- Resource: Teach Anywhere Page – First Day(s) of Classes
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- Help students become more aware of their thinking as learners by fostering metacognition in your courses.
- Strong metacognitive skills enhance learning by enabling individuals to reflect on their own thinking processes, allowing them to strategize, self-monitor, and adapt their approaches for better problem-solving and understanding.
- Resource: Teach Anywhere Page: Metacognitive Teaching
- Resource: Make students aware of Learn Anywhere Resource Page (including 6 key): Learning Strategies