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Kaltura: Editing Video

TIP: Access Kaltura’s Learning Help Centre for very helpful step-by-step instructions or Kaltura Learning Videos for a collection of videos  – both will present current versions of support in how to use the platform

In Kaltura (Brightspace or through NIC MediaSpace) there is an area to “edit” a video in terms of details, captions, thumbnails, collaborators, chapters etc. and there is also an official “Editor” where you can add a hotspot, splice and cut out unwanted video chunks and add a quiz. This page contains information on all of these ‘editable’ areas.

We’ll start with the official “Editor” found by clicking on “Launch Editor”.

Getting Started with the Kaltura Video Editor

Kaltura Video Link or Embedded Below


How to Launch the Kaltura Editor

Kaltura Video Link or Embedded Below


How to Edit Media (Details, etc.)

Kaltura Video Link or Embedded Below


How to Chop and Splice Media

Kaltura Video Link or Embedded Below


How to Create and Manage Hotspots

Kaltura Video Link or embedded below


How to Add Chapters and Slides using the Timeline Tab

Kaltura Video Link or embedded below