Value for NIC
Widening our Doorways is an 8-point plan to “reshape and renew learning” at NIC. A key component, Outcome 2.1 emphasizes the enhancement of teaching and learning practices that are pedagogically sound and contribute to high quality student learning. Central to this is the integration of metacognition and the development of self-regulated learners, which are crucial for academic success at NIC and beyond.
By embedding metacognitive practices in the classroom, instructors empower students to become effective self-directed learners. This approach not only supports their academic journey at NIC but equips them with lifelong learning skills essential for future endeavors.
NIC showcases numerous examples of metacognitive teaching practices in action. Included are team-based learning, active learning strategies, and learning to learn sessions offered to student cohorts through CTLI, all of which are designed to role model metacognition and a deeper sense of learning.