Accessibility of H5P Content

  • Accessibility in the web world means that screen reader software (enabling learners with vision learning challenges) allows them to hear what is on a page.
  • Accessibility also means that a learner can use a keyboard (rather than a mouse) to navigate a website with ease.
  • Accessibility also means that learners with hearing challenges can still continue to learn.
  • And accessibility also means that colour, font and layout of the web content allows for learners with a variety of learning challenges – can still be successful in their learning.

Not all H5P interactive content components are fully accessible.

Please review some of the content below and associated websites to learn more about which H5P activities are the most accessible for learners and how to make some of the content items more accessible.

H5P: Content Type Recommendations for Accessibility Conestoga College: Accessibility and H5P Interactives BCcampus Accessibility Handbook for Teaching and Learning: H5P
Fanshawe College: H5P, Accessibility and Copyright