This section has information on CTLI’s offerings of workshops, programs, institutes, events other learning sessions.
Start of Term
- For all instructors to get a refresh, learn some new things and connect on the latest advancements in teaching and learning.
New Instructors
- For those new or relatively new to teaching at NIC but any employee is welcome to attend.
- Sessions on how to create your online course materials, content, assessments and communications with your class in NIC’s digital learning environment.
Pedagogies and Practices
- Sessions about teaching and learning practices, pedagogies and strategies to engage learners, design assessments and build courses.
Kaltura Video and Kaltura Virtual Classroom
- Sessions on how to make, upload and embed video into your courses along with how to access and use NIC’s web conferencing platform for instruction – Virtual Classroom.
- Most sessions are held via web conferencing (Microsoft Teams or Kaltura Virtual Classroom)
- Registration is through and accepted at any time up to 30 hours prior to the session
- Registrations will be confirmed via the sending of an Outlook invite with the connection information with a couple of days
- Sessions with no registrations will be cancelled at least one day prior