Course Feedback Surveys

NIC Course Feedback Survey Service (Mid-Course and End-of-Course Versions)

  • Instructor Instructions: Handout – PDF Version 
  • Sample Schedules Based on Percentages: Handout – PDF Version
  • Student Instructions: Handout – PDF Version 
  • Instructor Report Retrieval Instructions: Handout – PDF Version 
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Handout – PDF Version
  • Course Survey Questions: Below

Introduction: NIC has an institutional survey that is an informal, formative set of course and instructor questions aimed to provide instructors with confidential feedback on their courses at the mid-point and end-point time periods. Course feedback is about gathering input on what is going well and where enhancements can be made. It is aimed to give students a voice and give faculty inputs to support the student learning experience and their own professional development. The Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation manages this survey service.

Software: The survey is powered by the software product Blue and the company Explorance, chosen by the former NIC Learning Experience Inquiry Group. The software is hosted on a server in Montreal, Canada and complies with BC privacy/FIPPA regulations.

Survey Questions: The mid and end-of-course survey questions (below) comply with research (University of Saskatchewan, Toronto Metropolitan University) and reports (HEQCO) on what students are capable of responding to about their learning experience. They were edited and enhanced by a group of NIC faculty and administrators to align with common NIC language and courses.

History: The product, Blue, was purchased in Fall 2020 with a year or so of implementation and learning. In Fall 2021, a small group of faculty pilot tested the platform. Further refinements happened throughout 2022 to align with how the institution manages reserved sections. The first deployment happened in Fall 2023 inviting 132 instructors in the Faculties of Arts, Science and Management and Health and Human Services. 50% took part. The system worked successfully. In Winter 2024, a Trades and Technical Programs survey was developed and overall there was a 30% increase in instructors using the service and with an overall student response rate of 25%. Fall of 2024 saw the addition of a mid-point survey. Presently, this service is now available to all instructors and all courses (except Continuing Education and DAL instruction programming) for both a Mid- and End-of-Course Feedback Survey Service.

Future: The future of the service includes a roadmap that includes an instructor dashboard to compare results from term to term, adding some additional questions from a pool of approved questions, QR codes for each course


The following questions are for programs in Arts, Science and Management and Health and Human Services – and are the ‘end-of-course’ version. There are 18 core institutional questions. 15 required questions are on a 5-point Likert Scale and 3 optional questions are open-ended. If there is more than one instructor who opts in to this course feedback service, the students will see a duplicate of the instructor questions for each instructor in their course. The students will see only one set of all the remaining questions. NOTE: Mid-course questions are the same but written in PAST tense.

Course Questions  rated on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree)

  • I found the course structure easy to follow.
  • I understood what I needed to do to be successful in this course.
  • The course resources (textbooks, readings, web-based materials) helped me learn.
  • The course assessments (projects, tests, quizzes, reports, papers) helped me learn.
  • The learning environment was welcoming and supportive.
  • The course was a positive learning experience for me.

Instructor Questions  rated on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree)

  • The instructor communicated the subject matter clearly.
  • The instructor stimulated me to think about the subject.
  • The instructor encouraged my active participation in the class.
  • I received feedback that supported my learning.
  • The instructor was responsive within a reasonable time period when I needed assistance.

Statements about Yourself  rated on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree)

  • I was normally prepared for this course.
  • I had good attendance in this course.
  • I put sufficient time and effort into this course.
  • The workload was reasonable and relative to the course expectations.

Open-Ended Questions

  • Overall, the moments in the course when I was most uninvolved as a learner were when:
  • Overall, the moments in the course when I was most involved as a learner were when:
  • Please share anything about this course the previous questions did not allow you to express.
END-of-COURSE QUESTIONS – Trades and Technical programs

These are for Trades and Technical programs only. There are 22 core institutional questions. 19 required questions are on a 5-point Likert Scale and 3 optional questions are open-ended. If there is more than one instructor who opts in to this course feedback service, the students will see a duplicate of the instructor questions for each instructor in their course. The students will see only one set of all the remaining questions. NOTE: Mid-course questions are the same but written in PAST tense.

Instructor Questions  rated on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree)

  • The instructor inspired me to actively engage and participate in my learning.
  • The instructor communicated theoretical concepts in an understandable manner.
  • The hands-on applied learning was aligned with course content.
  • I received feedback that supported my learning.
  • The instructor was responsive within a reasonable time period when I needed assistance.

Course Questions  rated on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree)

  • I found the course structure easy to follow.
  • I understood what I needed to do to be successful in this course.
  • The course resources (textbooks, manuals, web-based materials etc.) helped me learn.
  • The course assessments (projects, tests, quizzes, demonstrations etc.) helped me learn.
  • The learning environment was welcoming and supportive.
  • The course was a positive learning experience for me.

Program Questions rated on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree)

  • I plan on completing my apprenticeship training at North Island College.
  • The tools and equipment that we used were in good working order.
  • My work experience and/or internship was of value.
  • I made use of the services available to me at NIC (e.g., counselling, career support, student services).

Statements about Yourself  rated on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree)

  • I was normally prepared for this course.
  • I had good attendance in this course.
  • I put sufficient time and effort into this course.
  • The workload was reasonable and relative to the course expectations.

Open-Ended Questions

  • Overall, the moments in the course when I was most uninvolved as a learner were when:
  • Overall, the moments in the course when I was most involved as a learner were when:
  • Please share anything about this course the previous questions did not allow you to express