Guidance and Principles
Alignment with NIC Values and Initiatives

How we use AI in teaching and learning should align with NIC’s strategic plan initiatives, as well as existing NIC policies, procedures and legal requirements.

AI is a technology tool that can be useful in learning and teaching at NIC and beyond, provided it is used appropriately within the context of individual courses and assignments. Faculty need to make decisions about whether, and to what extent, they adopt and/or allow the use of technology tools in their teaching practice. This includes AI tools, provided that use aligns with NIC’s policy on Community Code of Academic, Personal and Professional Conduct (Policy 3-06), Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (Policy 1-01), and Research Involving Humans (Policy 1-21). More information on AI use in learning, teaching and assessment practices is available on the Teach Anywhere website.
AI is an evolving technology with unanswered questions about its reliability, accuracy, and best use. There are also very significant ethical concerns about the ways in which AI may perpetuate existing biases that reinforce systemic inequities or may present new challenges and barriers to decolonization, accessibility, and equity and antiracism goals. NIC encourages use within the boundaries of ethical and responsible conduct.
The principles below provide direction for the NIC community on using AI ethically and responsibly while mitigating risks. These principles will be regularly revisited, assessed, and maintained to ensure compliance with current and emerging regulatory standards and government advice, as well as emergent knowledge about the implications and impacts on marginalized communities. 
Guiding Principles