Teaching and Learning

Learning on Repeat – Retrieval Practice and Interleaving

by Rachel Goodliffe, Teaching and Learning Faculty Developer, CTLI and Practical Nurse Instructor, Practical Nursing Program Memory is a key factor to successful learning. When information in long term memory is repeatedly accessed, it supports easier recall and consolidation (Oakley, ND, Zakrajsek, 2022). Repeated recall of information from long term memory strengthens the pathways to…

Setting Up Pronouns, Preferred and Traditional Names in Brightspace

North Island College has set up Brightspace to allow students and instructors to add in their pronouns, preferred names and traditional names so that we can respectfully communicate with each other in the digital world.  Pronouns Log in to Brightspace at https://mycourses.nic.bc.ca Click on your personal menu (where your name appears in the top right…

Uncovering The Hidden Curriculum

URL: https://hiddencurriculum.ca/ Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum is a cross-institution, cross-sector, and cross-disciplinary initiative that aims to support a learner’s academic, personal, and professional development. This website includes various skills-based content and resources that educators can embed in their courses. Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum will support student mental health, which was the initial motivation for this project. In…