North Island College Teaching & Learning Supports
Teach Anywhere

New Content Experience

NIC is using the New Content Experience (NCE) in Brightspace (NOT the Classic Content format which is due to phase out in near future). In some D2L documentation the  New Content Experience was also referred to in earlier years as “Lessons”.

The New Content Experience provides an intuitive way to organize and navigate your course. It focuses on clean visual presentation of content for educators and learners with a minimalist design. It is a simplified experience for organizing content and managing the availability of course materials. Modules and submodules are areas called units, lessons, and folders and they help conceptualize organization and prevent over-modularization. The user interface is streamlined to make it easier to create and edit material as well as to navigate to content and activities. This simplified organization allows instructors to focus on teaching rather than learning how to design a course website. 

The following tutorials specific to the New Content Experience are located on the D2L Brightspace Help Site.