Author: Liesel Knaack

Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation, North Island College

Providing Clarity and Alignment: Course Outline Chart

To provide clarity and alignment of graded course work (evaluation items) for all students, a little chart like below could be added to your course outlines. The chart helps tie together learning outcomes to evaluation to use of AI. This is called “constructive alignment” when all parts of a course are aligned and work together….

BCcampus Open Textbook Collection

Creating a Better User Experience for the B.C. Open Collection Link to IMPROVED BC Open Collection: BCcampus has created a better user experience for their fantastic open collection of teaching and learning resources. From the article intro: If you’re an educator in B.C.’s post-secondary system, chances are you’ve heard about the B.C. Open Collection,…

Dead Ideas in Teaching and Learning

Dead Ideas in Teaching and Learning is a podcast hosted by Columbia University’s CTL Executive Director, Amanda Irvin. Check out the URL to see all seasons listed, summaries, transcripts and topics! Dead ideas are persistent myths about teaching and learning that instructors believe and use! Check this great podcast series out. See more recommended podcasts…

2024 Faculty Academic Integrity Matters (AIM) Tutorial + GenAI

CTLI wants to encourage all faculty to complete the 2024 Faculty Academic Integrity Matters Tutorial. This is an instructor learning resource designed to address the changing landscape of ethical behaviour in post-secondary education including suggestions for using Gen AI. As students increasingly explore and experiment with artificial intelligence and assistive technology, educators should continue to…

Learning from Video: NIC’s Kaltura Platform

Video can be a very effective learning tool. Many research studies have shown its value in enhancing student learning in a variety of disciplines and delivery formats. Video created or curated by instructors can often allow students a more thorough understanding of content and concepts and engage them in more meaningful ways while learning. Students…

Troublesome Knowledge

By Rosemary Vogt, Teaching and Learning Specialist, CTLI Troublesome knowledge refers to information or concepts that challenge existing beliefs, norms, or paradigms, causing discomfort, uncertainty, or cognitive dissonance. This concept is often discussed in the context of learning, where students may encounter ideas that contradict their previous understanding or cultural upbringing. Here are a few…

Learning on Repeat – Retrieval Practice and Interleaving

by Rachel Goodliffe, Teaching and Learning Faculty Developer, CTLI and Practical Nurse Instructor, Practical Nursing Program Memory is a key factor to successful learning. When information in long term memory is repeatedly accessed, it supports easier recall and consolidation (Oakley, ND, Zakrajsek, 2022). Repeated recall of information from long term memory strengthens the pathways to…

Threshold Concepts: Special Keys to the Learning Maze

by Rosemary Vogt, Teaching and Learning Specialist, CTLI Learning a new subject is like exploring a maze where students encounter various obstacles and challenges that can make their journey both exciting or daunting. Now within the maze, there are special keys hidden along the way. These keys are called threshold concepts. They are not just…

Course Feedback Survey Service Resumes in Fall 2024 with Updated Platform

To: All NIC instructors (except those in Continuing Education) Re: NIC Course Feedback Survey Service Resumes in Fall 2024 with Updated Platform The NIC Course Feedback Survey Service was launched for most academic programs in Fall 2023 and was expanded in Winter 2024 to include all the Trades and Technical programs. The service allows instructors…