North Island College Teaching & Learning Supports
Are you Prepared for a Digital Disruption?

Are you Prepared for a Digital Disruption?

Teaching digitally relies heavily on good Internet connectivity and speed, ongoing access to learning platforms and technologies, as well as hardware and software functioning as it should. All companies and institutions hosting our teaching and learning platforms have shored up their resources and hardware, done extensive testing and conducted assurance checks – and feel we are ready for reliable service and delivery.

But, as we all know, technology might be inaccessible for a period of time due to human or machine error, overload or throttling of access, congested Internet traffic or some sort of malfunction to systems and platforms etc.

Are you prepared to temporarily deliver your course in another way?

Do you have a course ‘first aid kit’ ready for back up access to archived content, to use alternative communication methods and other options for delivery of your courses?

Check out our Course First Aid Kit resource on how to prepare yourself with back-ups and alternative delivery methods.