INVITATION TO INSTRUCTORS: Course Feedback Survey Service for Fall 2024!

INVITATION TO INSTRUCTORS: Course Feedback Survey Service for Fall 2024!

Mid-Course (*NEW*) and End-of-Course Versions!

  • Invitation: To all NIC instructors to provide students with feedback on their learning experience – except those in Continuing Education and DAL Instructional Programs. This includes all Trades and Technical programs too!
  • *NEW*  A mid-course survey in addition to the existing end-of-course survey. Mid-course surveys allow you to more readily react with changes and edits mid-course to benefit student learning!
  • Instructor Opt In Stats: Last Fall 2023 64 NIC instructors signed up for this service. Last Winter 2024 we had 84 instructors. Let’s keep it going and have more join the service! This service is optional.
  • Student Survey Completion Stats: Winter 2024 – NIC had an average of 25% student response rate (Trades was about 10%) – let’s get a higher return rate! Tell your students, give them time, tell them you value their feedback etc.
  • Rationale: Providing students with a voice in their learning journey, through a common NIC survey, provides feedback to instructors to help improve their practice and student experiences!

NOTE: Carpentry and Plumbing/Piping Instructors – DO NOT SIGN UP for your current Foundation or Apprenticeship group of students as program review surveys and focus groups are already planned. You can sign up for your next classes this year.


Teach Anywhere Page (bookmark!)

  • Instructor Instructions: Handout – PDF Version
  • Sample Schedules Based on Percentages (when invites go out to instructors, survey window for students etc.): Handout – PDF Version
  • Student Instructions: Handout – PDF Version
  • Instructor Report Retrieval Instructions: Handout – PDF Version
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Handout – PDF Version
  • All instructors have an option to join BOTH services via an email that will be sent at 30% (for mid-course surveys) and 60% for end-of-course surveys) from start date. Wait for the email to sign up!
  • When you sign up – follow all steps to opt in the course PLUS opt in the instructor(s). Ensure TWO green circles that say YES beside course name and instructor names  choose Blue LAUNCH button!
  • After a successful sign up, an anonymous survey will be provided to your students at 45% – 55% of course (for mid-point surveys) 85 – 110% % of the course (for end-of-course) since start date.
  • The survey questions cover both the instructor and the course. Questions are based on evidence-informed topics that students are capable of answering. If you do nothing, no surveys will be sent.
  • Emails will go out to students and instructors along with announcements in Brightspace. We are working on installing a ‘block’ in Brightspace to permanently show all survey links for each student. Coming soon!
  • During the survey fill out WINDOW, instructors should regularly tell their students about the survey, set aside time for them to complete the survey online (but leave the classroom when that happens) and/or email them with the reason you signed up for the service and what you hope to get out of the results. All of these strategies will encourage a higher return rate and build a reason for your students to take the time to fill it out.
  • The survey service does not work on set dates! It works on percentages of how much time has passed since your course start date. It is customized to align with your course length. In this way it doesn’t matter if you have a 10 day course, a 10 week course or a 10 month course – the percentage method ensures you and your students get the invitations at the proper times!
  • For multiple instructor courses – all instructors should agree collectively if they are participating in the service or not. If yes, sign everyone up (lots of green dots). Don’t do partial sign ups as confuses students.  Students will get one survey with the course questions once, but will have separate instructor questions for each instructor.
  • Summary reports are sent within a few days of the end of both surveys (mid and end of course) – ONLY if you have at least 3 students responding PLUS you have accurately signed up with TWO GREEN DOTS and launched the survey (via instructions)

Any questions: (Wayne Hopwood)

This announcement is showing only for “instructor” role. A similar one is showing for “learner” role.